Skinny phase...
- What's with skinny and the people nowadays? It's like, no matter where you are, if you see people, about 60% - 87% are skinny! TV, cinema or real life... SKINNY! What happened to make skinny be "in fashion" now? What happened to the time when Marilyn Monroe (aka curvy) is in?
- I mean, eating healthy and staying on average size is good, isn't it? What makes the people go overboard with their diet? Why wanna be skin and bone (and boobless and/or assless, may I add?) rather than flesh and bone (with your assets to be proud of)? Is it the person's fault? Or is it the world that's turning everyone anorexic?
- Diet pills, slimming products, slimming and shaping centres... all mushrooming and invading the market! With millions rushing out and willingly be swallowed up by the "thin fad". The shame. No one resolves in the healthy way of dieting or playing sports to sweat off the excess fat. Everyone's desperate to lose those kilos - FAST!
- I'm not one of those people, I'm proud to say. You people may think that I belong in the "non-skinny" group, or more direct, Im fat. But hell, I AM thin. I used to be one fat babe a few years ago. Hell, I turned from this skinny chic into a fucking Godzilla in months! Binge-ing, snacking, etc etc... And then I got much too fat to fit into my clothes. I wore Levi's size 29, for fuck's sake! Clothes of UK sizes, I had to wear M/8 for top and M/10 for bottom! [*insert space for you guys to imagine how fat ass I was 3 yrs ago*]. Then during summer break, I used up 2/3 of that time to lose those fats. How? Vigorous sessions of tennis, EVERY evening 5 PM - 7.30 PM OR 7.30 PM - 10.30 PM, if at my hometown (unless raining). Eat less. Result? I lost 8 kilos in 2 months. That's 4 kgs average per month! My Levi's dropped from the gruesome 29 waistline to a 26! UK size : S/M for top, 8/10 bottom (My bottom is big. Fuck you!). Yes, all my "fat" clothes CANNOT be worn anymore.
- Been staying around that weight for some years... did pack on a few pounds last year, but not to that extreme. Maybe 1-2 kilos. This year, however, I do not know why or how, but I lost another 3 kilos. If I recall correctly, I ate just as I have been doing after my 8 kilo weight loss. Nothing's changed. Haven't been playing tennis for a few months now, though, cos I sprained my left ankle, 3 times. I can now fit snugly into a Levi's size 25 (my Levi's 26 is too loose for me). UK sizes, I now wear XS (4)/S (6) for top and S/6 for bottom (yes, my butt actually inflated 2 sizes smaller in the 3 kilos weight loss). BIG achievement for me! But how it happened? I dunno... But what I can guarantee is I did not lose any, if not ALL, of those weight through any slimming aide whatsoever.
- Ok ok... you caught me... this entry has no purpose. I was just too fucking bored and felt like crapping something here... so I did. How many of you ACTUALLY finished this whole entry? I salute you man... *insert applause* Congrats... you actually learned what size of clothings I wear and how much kilos I lost though this entry. An easy way to get me clothings that fit me now eh? Go get 'em! I dun mind! =P
[ P.S. Dun mind the bullet points... just that I dunno why my paragraphing does not show in this entry and I hate it all sticking together, so the only way to not let it stick is to bullet point them. Bear with me ya? =)]
i love the way you are not. not too skinny and all.
being like a stick, no no. :)
im proud of my fats
Call it me hunch I think u loss those fat true emotional/stress.. they can hit u pretty hard..
Cass: I lov ur tummy.. u have me fav tummy vote.. lolx
I'm glad I put on weight. A few old schoolmates I met up with last weekend actually said they're glad I put on weight. And you know that I eat alot right but my metabolisme rate just spoils the whole 'put on weight' thing.
Now my jeans ha, increase one size adi...damnit man..I need to firm my newfound fats up but I lack the motivation to do so...
cass : Hahaha... yea, I'm glad I actually lost all those excess weight I gained, and then some... I'm proud of my figure now... =) not to the extreme that Im an Olive Oyl (Popeye's wife) replica... At least I din like totally lost all my assets ya? ;) Agree with Jack though, I love ur flat tummy... wish i had that... jealous jealous...
Jack : Yea, I most probably lost all my weights thru depression & stress... But it's all good... at least Im at my ideal weight now...
SK : Yea, for ur height, ur previous size dun really fit ur frame actually... but the best part about high metabolism is that you can eat a lot... =) I do have pretty high rate (though not as high as urs i presume) and it's pretty nice to be able to pig out on fatty stuff, knowing u'd get them out before they get absorbed into ur body n stick to u... =)
Here's your interview questions:
1: which part of your body do u want to make bigger, and which smaller? and why?
2: eat a cat or eat a hamster? equal portion served, choose. and why?
3: do you believe in sex before marraige? and why?
4: have u slap or being slapped by someone in public? and would you want to if u've never done it?
5: would u sleep with a cute dude with small dick for the 2nd time, or the ugly dude with a nice size for the 2nd time? consider u've slept with both of them before.
I am assless and curvey at the same time. Anyone can tell you, everything in perfect preportion except my darn FAT TUMMY!
Dabido : HAHAHAHA... u're hilarious... =)
Thanks KY & God... will post my answers up... as soon as i think of answers... *thinks* =)
erm. excuse me, u do realise that YOU ARE FUCKING SKINNY RITE?
just thought i'd remind u. :)
FA : HAHAHA! Im not fucking skinny le... Im just... erm.. nice? Oh gawd, u're gonna kill me now, arent u FA?
Pls dun kill me... Love me instead. Im very lovable. Really.
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